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Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action

Everyone starts somewhere.

Where do you stand? Why are you doing what you’re doing? What keeps you going? What gives you the drive to continue every single day through the struggles, the difficulties, and the disasters?

This resource is a guide for those of you who are stumped answering these questions. It will help uncover and polish your driving force that lays deep down inside, so you can live a more fulfilled life and communicate it with others. Knowing your why will give meaning to your soul and purpose to your life. Don’t live an aimless life of mediocrity. You are meant for more than that…

The Purpose Driven Life: What on Earth Am I Here For?

You are meant for a purpose.

The hardest part is figuring out what that unique purpose is.  Luckily, the answer to this dilemma is found within the pages of this resource.  It’s not until we uncover this pearl that life becomes … life, and living becomes … living.

This resource entails helpful bite-sized chapters that’s packed with thought provoking ideas that challenges mainstream culture and ideologies. Learn what it takes to make your life more meaningful, and what it takes to live a life filled with purpose. 

The information is at your fingertips. The question is: do you want to know it?

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change

You have what it takes.  

It’s no secret that we all have the potential to be great, to become successful, and to make a difference in this world. The challenging part of it all is knowing how to start and maintain it.

This resource is a guide that offers ways to change your mindset, provides ways to boost your perception, and propose ways you can maximize your individual potential.

This is a classic must for those that want to make the most out of their lives. Consume every word in this book as you learn what it takes to be a highly successful person.

The Hard Things About Hard Things: Building a Business Where There Are No Easy Answers

Let’s face it - difficulties and challenges are a part of life.

Wouldn't it be great if there was someone available to show us the ropes? Something that gave insights on how to equip ourselves to become more resilient for those rough times? A manual, or handbook, describing what others have done to conquer these grueling times?

Fortunately, there is! This resource offers guidance into identifying and confronting these tough times; but also, remedies to counteract these demanding and challenging seasons.

Life always throws a curve ball at you. It’s your choice whether you frantically dodge it, or embrace the projectile and catch it in your glove. Either way, it’s coming … so hope you’re prepared!

Born To Win: Find Your Success

Your success is within grasp… you may just need someone to give you that extra nudge!

Imagine having one of the best minds of recent times share with you their insights, their secrets, and the life lessons that they have endured on their way to becoming a successful individual. Would you be interested in hearing and knowing about these accessible pearls?

Thankfully, this is that type of resource! Take a journey with Zig Ziglar, one of the most successful individuals that has walked this earth, as he unveils his insights and mentors you through your own life journey. The pearls of wisdom will elevate your game and life swagger.

Failing Forward: Turning Mistakes Into Stepping Stones for Success

I hate to admit, but we are not perfect people - they don’t exist here on earth.

Fortunately, life throws out opportunities for us to fail, which in turn help mold and massage us into becoming better individuals. That’s right … FAILING allows us to become better individuals. Our blunders, our mistakes, our mishaps give us the chance to learn from it, and grow from it. It all depends on your perspective and how you look at these adversities that will either make your life miserable, or make your life more meaningful.

What many folks don’t realize is that there is always something to learn when we fail. It’s not considered failure until you give up. The important thing is to keep an open mind, see things from a different angle, and grow from there.

This resources will give you understanding of inevitable failures, and will help guide you in forming new perspectives on losing and temporary failure.

In short, “when you lose, don’t lose the lesson.”

The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork: Embrace Them and Empower Your Team

A team can take you places an individual can’t go to alone.

It doesn’t matter if you’re an introvert or not, we were designed to co-exist and flourish with others around us. Teams are everywhere - great businesses become prevalent due to great team work, our military is designed to function as one strong unified group, sports teams win titles due to their camaraderie, and you can reach goals connected as a team as well.

The markers of what makes a great team are outlined in this resource, such as: the ingredients needed to form the right team, the importance of what it takes to exist as a unified group, and the keys to working together. The insights within this book will help build the fundamental concepts necessary to be a successful team.

Isn’t it time to unleash the potential your team can become?

The Miracle Morning for Entrepreneurs: Elevate Yourself to Elevate Your Business

How the heck do you get ahead of the game when you’re so busy playing catch up?

Years back, I had to struggle with this same question as it ricocheted back and forth within my head. One of the things that kept me at grounded was this resource. It provided clarity, direction, and helped refocus on what needed to be done to accomplish what I wanted to. The information planted ideas of getting ahead, maximizing the hours, and laying out a plan of attack for getting ahead in life.

It’s time to get lace up those running shoes so you can steer back on course to a path that you deserve. Clarify your routine and jumpstart your day, so you can boost yourself in life.

Giftology: The Art and Science of Using Gifts to Cut Through the Noise, Increase Referrals, and Strengthen Retention

Who doesn’t like receiving a gift?

Did you know that there’s a whole science and methodical way of gifting someone? When executed properly, not only can you change someone’s life, but you in turn, have a changed life also.

This resource shares insights on the importance of listening to the people you serve, focusing on what matters to them, and providing ways to show gratitude. Gifting always leaves a great impression on those that receive the gift, but leaves a greater imprint to those that offer the gift.

It truly is the thought that counts that goes much further than the gift itself. Seek ways to improve this intentional skill, so your leave a grand impression to all that are involved in the interaction. Break away from the masses and stand out from the crowd by learning the skill of gifting.

How to Win Friends and Influence People

There is an art to connecting with others.

Anyone wanting to build stronger relationships will find value in this time-tested classic resource. The often forgotten art of practicing people skills are consciously brought back to existence. The information shared within these pages will equip you to become the positive influencer you are meant to be. Your points of view, the way you interact with others, and the way you express and communicate will be exponentially upgraded as you engulf yourself within this content.

Strap on your seatbelt as you take a journey through this process of becoming …

The Obstacle is the Way: The Timeless Art of Turning Trials Into Triumph

“Smooth seas don’t make skillful sailors.”

Life is a great journey, that has hills and valleys to rollercoaster through. We love the great times, but fear and dread the bad moments. Why is that? We must learn to love all moments in time because the journey will be fulfilled with substance when both the great times and rough times are embraced.

Wipe away old discouraging philosophies, rethink the way you see things, and instill new hope as you widen your perspective and realize that barriers, delays, and disasters aren't as bad as they are painted out to be. Let this resource be a guide that resets the way you presently think about challenging seasons; let it be the light that guides you through the darkened obstacles of life.

80/20 Sales and Marketing: The Definitive Guide to Working Less and Making More

We are all in the business of selling.

Whether you are suggesting athletes and patients to perform a certain exercise, influencing your friends to learn a new treatment technique, persuading your significant other to eat at a certain restaurant, or bribing your kids to brush their teeth, we are all trying to persuade others to see things your way. When we do try to “sell” something to someone, there are ways to maximize the transaction.

This resource shares a principle that reveals the power of focused attention that, in turn, will amount to huge returns and gains. The great thing about this principle is that it not only applies to sales and marketing, but can be transferred to all aspects of life - whether it’s aspects of family time, physical capacity, financial gains, personal development, career advancement, or spiritual excellence.

Maximize and reap the most out of your time and energy by learning more about this amazing concept called the 80/20 Rule.

Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us

Wouldn’t it be great to be able to communicate with like-minded individuals - hanging out with folks that have common interests, synonymous outlooks, and aspire towards similar goals? Imagine how much more driven you’d be and how much more you could accomplish if you stand amongst them!

If you want to become a leader that you are meant to be, then you must learn how to attract these like-minded individuals and lead them to where you all want to go, to make the changes you want to see. This resource shares insights that help make these ideas and thoughts more tangible.

Remember that you are not a leader unless someone is following you.

A Game Plan for Life: The Power of Mentoring

We all can teach something to someone else.

You have your own individualized abilities, unique personality, and own experiences that others can learn from. Sharing these life lessons can expedite other generations further than expected, and propel them past repeated failures. By being a mentor, you have the power to carve out meaning and add fulfillment to someone else’s life.

Learn more about the endless possibilities and potential of mentoring, and acknowledge and appreciate how lives can be influenced as John Wooden, a legendary figure, shares his perspective on this topic.

I think this is a MUST read resource that will help empower your inner spirit and boost the potential of those that you serve.

The Compound Effect: Jumpstart Your Income, Your Life, Your Success

What you do and how you do it now, may not seem like much, but in the grand scheme of it all, can amount to huge results. The key is: what you decide to do today can incrementally add to a life that’s fulfilling and meaningful, or amount to a life that’s stressful and purposeless.

This resource puts life into perspective and shares that the results you want are a direct connection with the daily choices you make today. It’s these daily choices that accumulate over time that transforms into the massive outcomes, both good and bad, that is reaped years later. It’s your choice whether you live only for temporary temptations today, or resolve towards creating a delayed but gratifying life.

Make the right choices now so you can create a life that has more meaning, more purpose, and more fulfillment.


Sleep Smarter: 21 Essential Strategies to Sleep Your Way to a Better Body, Better Health, and Bigger Success

Sleeping is a HUGE player when it comes to recovery.

Rethink the way you view recovery methods by reconsidering the power of sleeping. This resources shares the power and importance that sleeping can provide to mental fitness, physiological health, and physical preservation. Read and digest masterful ways to get the most out of your once considered “waste of time” part of your life.

There’s so much rich content within this book that will not only help your athletes and your patients reap the most out of their performance, but it’s sure to refresh, rebuild, and renew yourself too!

Eat That Frog!: 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time

It’s time to get stuff done!

If you are overwhelmed, and at a lost of where to start chipping away at your endless to-do-list, then grabbing this resource is your first step. Fight the war against the “paralysis by analysis” enemy and start building momentum.

Success does not fall on your lap. You have to be intentional about making things happen and creating the life you want. You can only do that one step at a time. Brainstorming strategies of what to do and methodically executing them will be your greatest ally.

In the end, you are the only one that will take responsibly for the life you created. Will it be an average mundane life, or one lived purpose and a pre-determined destination?


The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts

Whether you know it or not, we are all in the business of building relationships. We simply cannot survive, let along succeed, without the people we come in contact with, those that we serve, and most importantly, those that we love.

This is a guide that will offer help to answer some of your difficult relational roadblocks, give insights to some of your relational bewilderments, and strengthen relational bonds much further that you thought possible.

This MUST have resource lends favorable insights when viewing your current relationships, and suggests practical worthwhile methods to improve them.

Isn’t it time you invest more in your relational skills and swagger?

When Breath Becomes Air

What makes a life worth living?

In this resource, you will take a journey with a young neurosurgeon on the brink of mortality as he seeks to find the answer to this question. Unfold and struggle with thoughts of human identity, and discover the meaning of life and what makes it purposeful.

Are we just here to live for ourselves? What makes our time on earth a life of meaning? This resource challenges your very existence and helps you take a journey through self discovery.

Do more than just exist in this world …

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