“The Goal Isn’t To Do Business With Everyone Who Needs What You Have, The Goal Is To Do Business With Those That Believe What You Believe ”
This is an oldie, but man, it’s a good one!
It’s all about building your tribe, your “following,” your ideal patient and client …
Create a space where you attract patients and clients that you want - those that have similar philosophies, mindsets, and beliefs as you. It makes life so much easier where moving forward is the name of the game, and gathering people together that fuel the flame. There’s a common thread that binds you with your tribe members, synergistically creating an environment where everyone thrives.
True, this may mean turning down some business, but on the flip side, it creates opportunity to fill your time and spend more energy doing business with those that are a better fit.
If you’re a newbie in your career, know that it’s perfectly fine to say “no.” If you’re a seasoned vet, I bet you can name folks that you would’ve easily said “no” to serving. Regardless the experience, keep that watchful eye out for those that gravitate towards what you believe.
Create a tribe that you can serve wholeheartedly, and in turn, can help you become the best version of yourself!
Change your mindset … Change your perspective … life is much better when you have an outlook that creates opportunity.
Thanks for being curious and taking the time to read this! Hope it added value to your life and equips you to become better than you were yesterday!
Dr. Joe Jaime, DC, DACBSP®, ATC, CSCS®, FRC®ms, CES
Credit: Pictures taken Unsplash