“If You Don’t Make Time For Your Wellness You Will Be Forced To Make Time For Your Illness...”
Chew on that and let it digest ….
Such a simple, but powerful message that is often times hard to live by. Work, kids, finances, and other unforeseen circumstances have many of us caught up and unable to make time for ourselves. Our resilient bodies take hits day in and day out, little by little, absorbing these jabs and taking these micro traumas. Eventually it takes a toll on our bodies amounting to a non negotiable macro trauma that takes precedence over everything else.
Why wait for that to happen? Why wait for our bodies to break down and rot? Heck, we only have one body, we might as well make sure it lasts! It’s like owning one car for duration of our lives. Would we abuse the crap out of it not changing the oil, running on bald tires, and never replacing the transmission fluids? Hopefully not, because we’ll easily notice that once these things are replenished and replaced, the car runs smoother - so how come we often don’t do the same thing for our own bodies?
I guess God knew just how important it was for us to take a day off from the busyness of life that he ranked it up there in the 10 Commandments.
As they say, “It’s easier to stay well then to get well…”
Change your mindset … Change your perspective … life is much better when you have an outlook that creates opportunity.
Thanks for being curious and taking the time to read this! Hope it added value to your life and equips you to become better than you were yesterday!
Dr. Joe Jaime, DC, DACBSP®, ATC, CSCS®, FRC®ms, CES
Credit: Pictures taken Unsplash