“Comfort Is The Enemy Of Progress”
Traps are everywhere - some more subtle than others.
One trap that gets most humans is the complacency of comfort - the point in life where we’re good with being where we’re at. We don’t want to do any more, or any less - we’re just cruising.
It’s cool to cruise while driving, but life isn’t about cruising - it’s about intentional destinations. Don’t get stuck being comfortable where you are.
Rick Warren said it best, when he said, “God loves you the way you are, but loves you too much to keep you there.”
Change your mindset … Change your perspective … life is much better when you have an outlook that creates opportunity.
Thanks for being curious and taking the time to read this! Hope it added value to your life and equips you to become better than you were yesterday!
Dr. Joe Jaime, DC, DACBSP®, ATC, CSCS®, FRC®ms, CES