“I Don’t HAVE To, I GET To”
I know work can suck, but at least you are employed.
I know it sucks getting out of bed when you’re lazy, but at least you’re given another day.
I know doing laundry can be a pain, but at least you have clothes to put on your back and warm socks to keep those toes warm.
I know people can ruin your plans, but at least you have the freedom to make plans.
I know you may be bored at times, but at least you’re not living life day to day trying to stay away from danger.
I guess this segment is best described by one of my mentor who had a sign that read:
Change your mindset … Change your perspective … life is much better when you have an
outlook that creates opportunity.
Thanks for being curious and taking the time to read this! Hope it added value to your life and equips you to become better than you were yesterday!
Dr. Joe Jaime, DC, DACBSP®, ATC, CSCS®, FRC®ms, CES