“Presence Influences One’s Experience ”
In a world of the internet, cell phones, tablets, and smart watches, you can see how easy it can be self-consumed into the screen. As adults, we are starting to depend more on our devices; as teenagers we are already dependent on our communication devices, and as a growing child, we are feed to think that life cannot exist without being connected with these devices.
Yes, these devices do have their place in modern society - linking the whole world together. Unfortunately though, it’s also distancing us further from those right in front of us. I just went to a restaurant the other day and saw a group of four 20-year-olds waiting for their meals to arrive. As they waited, I noticed that 3 out of the four had their noses buried deep into their cell phone screens. As I closely observed, I looked at the fourth individual who just sat there deflated looking at her friends sadly staring at their own phones. After about 10 seconds of just sitting there ready to engage in conversation to no avail, she fell victim to the screen demon and pulled out her own phone to satisfy her need for attention.
I’ll admit, I’m just as guilt. I find myself glued to the screen, getting lost in social media, checking emails, or just wasting time browsing through the internet while other are around me. I guess the good news is that I realize this and I am trying to make an effort to make a more intentional effort to block the temptation of the screen and pay attention more to those that I am surrounded by - basically, I’m trying to be more present.
It would suck if I were talking to someone only to find them staring at their screen and answering me with short one word answers. I don't think you would either, right? That’s why I think we should make more of an effort to be present with others, so in turn, you’ll both experience a more fulfilling connection and experience together - something that used to be more prevalent in the pre-internet era, but has become a lost art of today...
Change your mindset … Change your perspective … life is much better when you have an
outlook that creates opportunity.
Thanks for being curious and taking the time to read this! Hope it added value to your life and equips you to become better than you were yesterday!
Dr. Joe Jaime, DC, DACBSP®, ATC, CSCS®, FRC®ms, CES